It feels like life has come a full circle seeing this FB memory from two years ago today. From being a participant blown away by the power of Mahabharata Immersion (MI) to being a co-facilitator for the next edition of MI lab in Feb 2020, the journey feels exhilarating and inspiring. Sharing below my reflections at the end of an eventful 2017 which began with me quitting Amazon India and ending with the Nayika’s Quest in Kotagiri.
“At the end of the week-long Nayika’s Quest, the feeling I’m left with is the exploration has just begun. 2017 started with Sapta Svara Exploration, and continued with Mahabharata Immersion, Antaranga Yoga Sadhana, Awakening Arjuna and now Nayika’s Quest. The powerful contemplative and healing spaces created by the Sangha at Ritambhara has been an invaluable part of my journey this year. And as I stay with the evocations within as I recollect all these enriching experiences, greater the sense and conviction that I’m just at the beginning of a beautiful journey. And the explorer is ready for the adventure.”